Chan Family Choy Lee Fut
Kung Fu
Luohan Qi Gong
Our Philosophy
Confidence. Strength. Awareness. Kindness.
At Chan Family Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu and Lohan Qi Gong our aim is to bring high quality, accessible and affordable self defense and self healing sessions to the San Diego area community. Our unique approach to combining traditional and innovative martial arts methods and techniques is what separates us from every other martial arts school you know.
Founded in 2005, our instructors have a wide range of expertise, and are here to train you through every step of the learning process. Whether you’re joining us as a beginner or a professional, for injury prevention or recovery, there’s always more room to perfect your form. Browse our site to learn more.
Our Services
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary level practice for WST & HSG members
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We also offer Teacher Training and Certification into Chan Family International Organization. Choose a membership plan to begin training and after a year of dedication, Sifu Thomas can advocate for your Hung Sing Gwoon Instructor membership in Kung Fu, Qi Gong or both, to be eligible to train with Master Chan Yong Fa in International Seminars. (additional annual dues required to North American head office in Montreal)
Contact Sifu Thomas for details.
Ryan Sword Yangling Demo, Chan Family Choy Lee Fut. Dragon Disciple Sifu Thomas Fuhr
Ryan Swords Flying Dragon Jian Demo , Chan Family Choy lee fut Kung Fu Disciple Sifu Thomas Fuhr.
Contact Us
1792 West Washington Street, San Diego, CA, USA